Keeping in touch with Sense
Your support is extremely important to us and we’ll only use your details to let you know more about our work and other ways you can help, including how you can volunteer, make a donation, or support our campaigns. We promise never to sell your data. If you already hear from us, we’ll continue to contact you in the same way. If you don’t already hear from us, please tick the box if you’re happy to be contacted by:
We would like to contact you by post, but if you don’t want to hear from us please contact Supporter Services.
How we use your information
All gifts will go towards Sense’s vital work with children and adults who are deafblind, as well as Sense’s work supporting people with complex disabilities. At Sense we want to be very clear about how we use, store and protect your personal data, which you can read about at
If you would like to change your contact preferences, please let us know by emailing or you can call us on 0300 330 9257 or write to Sense, Freepost RRXE-TREX-GEUR, 101 Pentonville Road, London N1 9LG.